Renowned for his minimalist and functional approach, Dieter Rams is an icon of the design world. Rams served as the design director at Braun and a key figure at Vitsœ, and his philosophy greatly impacted modern design. Although he is an industrial designer, Rams’ ideas about design are applicable to a range of creative disciplines. Here’s how the core tenets of Rams’ approach to good design apply to our work at Novagram:
Good design is innovative
At Novagram, we are not afraid to break new ground and pioneer fresh ideas. We combine technology and imagination to develop outstanding results for our clients. We stay up to date with the latest developments in the tech world, and use carefully selected tools to enhance our capabilities.
Good design makes a product useful
Our clients offer an enormous diversity of products and services, and they rely on us to deliver design work that highlights these offerings. We help our clients to stand out – whether that’s on the shelf, or in a competitive industry. Through our consultative approach, we have also assisted clients in refining their offerings so as to better help their customers.
Good design is aesthetic
When it comes to design, the visual aspect may be the first thing that people notice. However, we go beyond creating work that is simply aesthetic, ensuring that our work is imbued with both function and meaning.
Good design makes a product understandable
We know the importance of design that cuts straight to the point. We use our expertise to help bring clarity to our clients’ brands, making it easier for new customers to find them and do business with them.
Good design is unobtrusive
We steer clear of design that is trendy, edgy, or overpowering. Instead, we favour design that invites curiosity, encourages engagement, and delivers a clear message.
Good design is honest
Our clients’ work is incredibly important to us. This means we take the time to understand each client, and each project, delivering results that reflect the truth about their business, mission, and values.
Good design is long-lasting
In over 20 years, not a single logo we’ve designed has been replaced. We produce results that will last as long as our clients need them to, and we never deliver throwaway solutions.
Good design is thorough down to the last detail
We take pride in our work, and every detail of every project is undertaken with the most thorough effort. We follow a tried-and-tested creative process that has helped us produce countless successful results for our clients.
Good design is environmentally friendly
Sustainability is important to many businesses, and it’s important to us too. If you want to learn more about how we can help you prioritise sustainability in your next website development project, check out our blog post: ‘How eco-friendly is your website?’
Good design is as little design as possible
Rams believes that good design should be ‘less, but better’. For us, this means not only that we’re unafraid to deliver beautiful and disarmingly simple work, but also that we value quality over quantity. We produce extremely high quality work, no matter the size of the project.
In this video, Rams can be seen discussing his thoughts on the world of design.
At Novagram, our work is quite different from Rams’, but his ideas resonate with us – showing the universal truth in his philosophy. For design that is long-lasting, thorough, innovative, and truly good, contact us today.
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